
Programs/Meetings for 2013-2014

Pendleton AAUW Branch Meetings and Programs are held once a month from September through June of each Year. They are held on the First Thursdays (except October) at 7pm at the Vert meeting room during the Fall and Spring months, and the first Saturdays at 11a.m. at the Prodigal Son with a no-host lunch during the Winter months. Programs are varied and intended to add information and interest to areas of our community and lives. Meetings are usually kept as brief at possible. Plan about 45 minutes for each. Each Program/Meeting is open to anyone and are publically advertised.

  •    Oct. 10, 7:00 PM, General Meeting @ Vert;      Camille Preus, BMCC President, speaking on “A New Role in a New Town with New Challenges.”
  •    Nov. 14, 7:00 PM, General Meeting @ EO;      Kathryn Brown, EO Editor, speaking on “Changes in Newspapering” with a tour of the new press
  •    Dec. 5, 7:00 PM, General Meeting @ Vert;      Ken Schulberg; “Xmas Wine Tasting & Stuff-a-Stocking” for AAUW funds
  •    Jan 4, 11:00 AM, General Meeting @ Prodigal Son;      Melissa Woodbury talking about her “Ecuador Experiences”
  •    Feb. 1, 11:00 AM, General Meeting @ Prodigal Son;      Jodie Harnden speaking on “NASA: Weather & Climate” 
  •    Mar. 1, 11:00 AM, General Meeting @ Prodigal Son;      Griswold High School students with their “History Film Projects”
  •    Apr. 3, 7:00 PM, General Meeting @ Vert;      Sarah Woodbury speaking on “Life as an ‘Indie’ Author”
  •    May 8, 7:00 PM, General Meeting @ Vert;      Barbara Clark speaking on “Human Trafficking in India”